Orders can be canceled through the website/app within max 5 minutes of placing the order without any charges. After this period, cancellations may not be possible as the order may already be in process.
If order can be cancelled by user might be bare transaction charges also.
As a user, you have the option to cancel an order you've placed before it reaches to accepect by the Vendor stage. For any authorized cancellations, we shall start the refund process for any payments you may have made in accordance with the relevant purchase within 48 to 72 hours.
The Company may cancel orders in any of the following circumstances:
Additionally, while steps are taken to ensure the accuracy of product specifications, it is possible for technical problems, typographical errors, or incorrect product information provided to the Company by third-party sellers to result in the details of a product as they are reflected on the Marketplace. In this case, you will be notified as soon as the Company becomes aware of the error.
The Company maintains the right to cancel your order in this situation and issue a credit or voucher for the amount of the returned item. This credit is used towards a later invoice for purchases made on the Marketplace.
We keep track of all erroneous purchases and non-compliant users, and we have the right to refuse access to them at any moment or to cancel any orders they place in the future.